First I want to thank everyone for all the great entries. I love checking out new costumes, so this has been a real treat for me. I can’t wait to do our Summer Contest now!
These are our entries with the winners at the bottom.
So a group of us is planning to cosplay a Fist of Trollocs this year at JordanCon. These creatures from The Wheel of Time are mixtures of human and animal stock, bred magically to serve the Dark One, hehe. Because they are made from various animal stock, we have a lot of freedom when it … Read more
So the Kickstarter for my Steampunk blaster is going really well. One of the reward tiers has a gunbelt included and I just finished with the prototype yesterday. If people like it enough, we may put it up on the website with the gun.
Just posted up our newest products. They are genuine leather belts, which would be great for your Sci Fi or Steampunk costumes! Click the images to visit the storefront:
Added some new photos and words. Click the image below:
In case you missed it on Conspyer, here is my con in review: So here we are again. Back in Chattanooga. I told one person at Con Nooga that I am in Chattanooga so much I need to buy a second house there. Con Nooga has always been a lot of fun and this year … Read more
First I want to thank everyone for all the great entries. I love checking out new costumes, so this has been a real treat for me. I can’t wait to do our Summer Contest now!
These are our entries with the winners at the bottom.
So I am finally getting around to molding my Steampunk Gun. This is a way to preorder the gun at up to 40% off! After the preorder the plain cats gun will run $25 and the finished painted model will run $35. Not only did I use this for my steampunk airship mechanic, I have … Read more
Our friend Michael Crumb, who writes for the Chattanooga Pulse, has written an article about the great conventions that happen in Chattanooga and gave Paul and I quite a shout out. Here is a snippet and a link to the full article: “The poster for the upcoming Con Nooga (Chattanooga’s increasingly popular “other” multi-fandom convention happening Feb. … Read more
This is a WIP article. My costume will be leveling up throughout the season until Dragoncon. Click the image below to visit the article:
I am sculpting a new mask for Aradani. Click the image below for more pictures over on my blog: