A Work in Progress: Paul’s latest artwork

So I have been planning this piece for about 4 years… at least. I finally felt ready for it, finally felt like my talent had reached a point where I could attempt this and do it well. I have decided to document the development of this piece, and do a “daily digest,” where I take a photo at the end of a long day of working on the piece. This allows me to show its development to you, but it also allows me to get feedback from you, suggestions, critiques. I also think this is a really cool approach to sharing my art with people. Not just as a single piece, but as a growing and evolving work of art. This first post is all the sketches that I have done over the years, working up to this piece. I hope you enjoy.


This image dates back almost 4 years ago. After drawing Modern Magic in 2001 and hearing about the ending of Ralph Bakshi’s Wizards for years, I had built up the ending to that movie in my mind. Every time people told me about it, the ending grew and evolved into this epic, world shattering event. After seeing the movie, it wasn’t what I expected. This work of art is to express what has been growing in my head since 2002.

I knew I wanted the wizard high atop a tower, one hand flaring with magic, the other holding a gun, pointed almost at the viewer, but not quite. If it were pointed right at you, then it would be too foreshortened, and difficult to discern. I always envisioned the gun drawn, and a flash of purple lightning streaking through the night sky behind him.

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New Creepy Surgical Germ Masks

A new line of Latex prosthetics we have started at Aradani, is gothic, horror, steampunk masks. This is the first prototype of a strange alien horror mask. We will have a standard unpainted in black or brown and a high quality one painted by myself and with little touches like hard plastic horns.

New Articles!

Added some new articles today. First is the Myrddraal costume article discussing the costume I wore this year at Dragoncon. Myddraal Costume Next is the Assassin’s Creed Costume Article: Assassin’s Creed Costume As well as an article about the start of my Fallout 3 Costume: Fallout 3 Reilly’s Rangers Costume

New Silicone products!

We have added new silicone products to the website! These are great because they look more realistic, and those with latex allergies can wear them with no problem. We added Silicone Elf ears, Eyeless mask, and a vampire brow. We are very excited to bring this new costuming technology to you and we hope that … Read more

Artist Guests of Honor!

We were asked to fill in as the Artist Guests of Honor at this years Chattacon. The original Guest – Rowena, could not make it so they asked us. We are quite honored to be recognized in this way. We hope that everyone will be able to make it to the show. But even if … Read more